There is no parking at the Roadway Inn unless you are staying at the hotel. They are towing.
Please do not use the alley in the rear for any purpose. We need to respect our neighbors.
Our Six Step House runs on the voluntary efforts of its registered members and members of Alcoholics Anonymous.
There are many jobs and chores that can and need to be done in and around our Six Step House.
While a trusted servant resides on the property to maintain and watch over it, there are plenty of areas and opportunities where volunteer service is both needed and appreciated.
If you do have special or unique skills that you feel could benefit the house, our membership or the AA’s we serve please let us know what those might be. Those of us without those special skills are needed just as much to support the maintenance of our house and the events we host or sponsor.
Your House Committee would appreciate hearing from you. Please, simply fill out the contact form and someone from the committee will respond to you shortly.